Make Your Wordpress Site Safe With Security Checkers

Additionally, it is important to change admin username and your password if someone needs admin username and your password to login to perform the job and helps you. After all of the work is complete, IMMEDIATELY change your password and admin username. Even if the person is trustworthy, someone in their business might not be. Better to be safe than sorry!

repair hacked wordpress site will tell you that there is not any htaccess in the directory. You may put a.htaccess file into this directory if you desire, and you can use it to control access from IP address to the directory or address range. Details of how to do this are easily available on the internet.

I protect an access to important files on the blog's server by placing an index.html find out this here file in the particular directory, that hides the files from public view.

Exclude pages - This plugin provides a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page won't appear in any listings of webpages (which contains, and is usually restricted to, your page navigation menus).

You can extend the plugin features with premium plugins like: Amazon S3 plugin, Members only plugin, DropShop etc.. So I think you can use it for free and this plugin is a good choice.

Oh . And by the way, I talked about plugins. When you get a new plugin, make sure it's a safe one. Don't go now install any plugin simply because the owner is saying on his site that plugin will help you do this or that. Use get a software engineer to analyze it, or perhaps a test site to look at the plugin. This way isn't a web link threat for your business or you.

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